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Join on Saturday December 2, 2023  at The Farm at South Mountain for a festive ornament painting workshop! We will be painting ceramic ornaments with Provence inspired flowers. All skill levels are welcome! Just in time for the Holidays!

The class will start out by going over materials and then lead into practicing brush strokes, color swatching and end with painting 3 ornaments. They will be a beautiful addition to your holiday décor or a wonderful unique gift for a loved one.

The purpose of my workshops is to help you embrace your creative spirit and take creative chances together. In the process I want you to experience something new and have fun. This is why my workshops are open to all skill levels, so whether you have never picked up a paint brush or paint on the regular, I structure my classes to be open to all students. 

The class includes all material. You will receive a kit with everything you need.

It is about fun, creativity and the beauty of gathering and celebrating the festive season outdoors in nature, at the farm.

Only 12 spots available & the only in person workshop I am offering this season, so please join me for a beautiful morning of painting!

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